

Iji rụọ ọrụ nke ọma na-azaghachi na "Mere na China 2025", mee ngwangwa usoro nke iwu obodo nwere ọgụgụ isi ma kwalite owuwu nke smart "China nchekwa" na Mee 10-12, 2018, ngwaahịa nchekwa ọha Chengdu International nke 18 na Chengdu. Emere ihe ngosi teknụzụ na Chengdu New Century International Convention and Exhibition Center.Hosted by the Sichuan Big Data Industry Federation and the Chengdu Cloud Computing Industry Alliance.Hosted by Sichuan Big Data Industry Federation and the Chengdu Cloud Computing Industry Alliance, the Sichuan Big Data Ụlọ ọrụ ụlọ ọrụ na Chengdu Shengshi Qianqiu Exhibition Co., Ltd. kwadoro "Cloud Network Convergence, Smart Security" Big Data·Cloud, Smart Security Summit Forum, bụkwa nke e mere dị ka akwadoro n'ehihie nke 11th, ebe mgbakọ nke Ụlọ Nzukọ 2. nke Chengdu New Century International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Na November 19, 2018, nke abụọ Sino-German ọgụgụ isi Nrụpụta na Production Process Networking Cooperation Forum e mere na Beijing.The nzukọ a gara na kwadoro site Chen Xiongxiong, osote Minister nke Industry na Information Technology.Jianguo Zhang, osote Minister nke Sayensị na Technology,Oliver Vitek, State Secretary nke German Ministry of Economics na Energy na Michael Meister, State Secretary nke Ministry of Education na Research, gara nzukọ. More karịa 300 nnọchiteanya si gọọmenti ngalaba, ụlọ ọrụ, mahadum, sayensị nnyocha ụlọ ọrụ na ụlọ ọrụ. otu ndị si China na Germany sonyere na nnọkọ ahụ.

Anyị ụlọ ọrụ kpọkwara òkù isonye na nnukwu omume, na ngosi oru ngo nke "Sino-German ọgụgụ isi Manufacturing (Industry 4.0) Remote Supervision Service Platform for Life Cycle Management", nyochara na imekọ ihe ọnụ na Fraunhofer Institute of Germany, Shaofeng Xie. ,Onye isi nke Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Software Services, n'onwe ya nyere anyị ya.

Nọvemba 4th - 6th, 2020 (Nke iri abụọ na atọ) China International Gas na teknụzụ kpo oku na ihe ngosi akụrụngwa ga-eme na Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Anyị, Chengdu Action Electronic Joint-Stock Co., Ltd, na-echere gị n'ụlọ ntu C07!

Oge nzipu: Sep-15-2021